Unit Rates Worksheets
The basic concept of unit rate worksheets is that as the quantity of units produced doubles, the cost of producing a unit is decreased by a constant percentage. The cost data is generally reported by the manufacturer for production lots by the total lot costs and the number of units in that lot.
Benefits of Unit Rate Worksheets
A unit-rate contains the average amount of resources you need to install one unit (piece, meter, kg, etc.). In the unit rate worksheets, we will be multiplying all unit-rates by the quantities from all MTOs, a very detailed estimate of the project resources is obtained. This amount of granularity allows you to adjust productivity per work activity.
Download Unit Rate Worksheet PDFs
These math worksheets should be practiced regularly and are free to download in PDF formats.
Unit Rate Worksheet - 1 |
Unit Rate Worksheet - 2 |
Unit Rate Worksheet - 3 |
Unit Rate Worksheet - 4 |
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