Common Denominator Worksheets
A fraction represents a part of a whole or any number of equal parts. It consists of a numerator displayed above a line, and a non-zero denominator, displayed below that line. When the denominators of two fractions are the same, they are known as common denominators.
It is important to have a common denominator before we do an operation on fraction whether be addition or subtraction. Solving the common denominator worksheets help kids to solve complex fraction problems in future.
Benefits of Common Denominator Worksheets
Common denominator worksheets help children understand the nature of numbers and their interactions. To find a common denominator we need to find the LCM of the two denominators. LCM is used in our real-life activities to arrange something into rows, to split things into smaller sections.
The denominator of a fraction tells you the relative size of the sections. Therefore, the reason fractions need a common denominator before adding or subtracting is so the numbers of sections you are adding/subtracting are all of the same size.
Download Common Denominator Worksheet PDFs
These math worksheets should be practiced regularly and are free to download in PDF formats.
Common Denominator Worksheet - 1 |
Common Denominator Worksheet - 2 |
Common Denominator Worksheet - 3 |
Common Denominator Worksheet - 4 |
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