Remainder Formula
The remainder is the number or value that is left when the dividend is not completely divisible by the divisor. The remainder formula helps in the calculation of the remainder obtained after the division operation between any two values. The division operation in terms of operands can be represented as:
Dividend = Divisor × Quotient + Remainder
What is the Remainder Formula?
The general formula to calculate the remainder is given as:
Examples Using Remainder Formula
Example 1: What is the remainder when 3723 is divided by 23?
To find: Remainder
Given: Dividend = 3723 and Divisor = 23
By long division:
Hence, Remainder = 20
Using Remainder Formula,
Dividend = Divisor × Quotient + Remainder
3723 = 23 × 161 + 20
3723 = 3703 + 20
3723 = 3723
Since we have the same values on both sides, our answer is correct.
Answer: Remainder = 20
Example 2: A number when divided by 25 leaves remainder 4 and quotient as 11. Find that number.
To find: Dividend (number)
Divisor = 25
Quotient = 11
Remainder = 4
We know,
Dividend = Divisor × Quotient + Remainder
= 25 × 11 + 4
= 279
Answer: Required number = 279
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