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A day full of math games & activities. Find one near you.
A day full of math games & activities. Find one near you.
What time is 20 hours?
20 hrs is the military time expressed in 24 hrs clock. In general, our analog clock has readings from 1-12.
we can convert the 24 hrs clock format to 12 hr clock format by subtracting 12 and add the AM or PM accordingly.
If in 24 hr format the time is more than > 12 we add PM ( post meridiem) and if it is <12 it is AM (Ante meridiem)
So if we subtract 12 from 20 hours we get 8:00 PM.
Thus, 20 hours is 8:00 PM
What time is 20 hours?
20 hours in the 24- hr clock is 8:00 PM in the 12 hr clock.
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