What is 5/8 as a decimal?
Fractions and decimals are two ways to represent the same numbers. A decimal number can be defined as a number whose whole number part and fractional part is separated by a decimal point. A fraction is represented as a numerical value that is defined as a part of a whole. When we need to convert 5 by 8 into decimal, we need to divide the numerator by the denominator.
Answer: 5/8 as a decimal is expressed as 0.625
Let us see how to convert 5/8 to decimal using the division method. We need to divide 5 by 8 to convert 5 by 8 into decimal.
5/8 in Decimal form
In order to find the decimal value of any given fraction, we simply divide the fraction's numerator with the fraction's denominator. In this case, we need to divide 5 by 8.
How to convert 5/8 to a decimal using the division method?
Let us use the following steps to express 5/8 as a decimal fraction.
- Step 1: To convert any fraction to its decimal form, we need to divide its numerator by denominator.
- Step 2: Here, the given fraction is 5/8 which means we need to divide, 5 ÷ 8
- Step 3: This gives the answer as 0.625. So, 5/8 as a decimal is 0.625. In other words, the decimal equivalent of 5/8 is 0.625
Therefore, 5 over 8 as a decimal is, 5 ÷ 8 = 0.625
Thus, we can say that 5/8 as a decimal = 0.625
You can also verify your answer using Cuemath's Fraction to Decimal Calculator, where you can check that five-eighths as a decimal is expressed as 0.625
Thus, 5/8 as a decimal is equal to 0.625
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