What is 25% as a fraction?
A percentage is a fraction or a ratio in which the value of the whole is always 100.
We use fractions to write a part of a whole. Here we have to convert percent to fraction.
Answer: 25% as a fraction is 1/4
There are three simple steps to convert percent to fraction. Let us look at these three steps in detail below.
To change 25% as a fraction, we need to follow the steps given below:
Step 1: Delete the percent symbol %
Step 2: Express the given percent as a fraction by dividing it by 100.
Hence, we can write as 25 / 100
Step 3: Reduce the fraction so obtained in its simplest form by dividing numerator and denominator by their HCF.
Now, 25% can be written as 25 / 100
On Simplifying the obtained fraction, we get
25 / 100 = 1 / 4 [ Dividing numerator and denominator by their HCF which is 25 ]
So, 25% as a fraction is 1 / 4.
You can also verify by using a percent to fraction calculator.
Therefore, 25% as a fraction is 1 / 4.
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