What is 14 * 6?
We will multiply 14 and 6 to find 14 × 6.
Answer: 14 × 6 = 84
Look at the two methods to find 14 × 6.
Method 1: Long Multiplication to Find 14 × 6
Using the long multiplication, the answer to 14 × 6 is 84
You can use Cuemath's Long Multiplication Calculator to calculate 14 × 6.
Method 2: Distributive Property of Multiplication to Find 14 × 6
We will use distributive property formula to find the answer to 14 × 6
14 × 6 = 14 × (10 - 4)
= 14 × 10 - 14 × 4
= 140 - 56
= 84
So, irrespective of the methods used, the answer to 14 × 6 will remain the same.
Therefore, 14 × 6 = 84
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