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What is the LCM of 102, 119 and 153?
To find the LCM of 102, 119 and 153, means to find the least number which is exactly divisible by 102, 119 and 153.
Answer: LCM of 102, 119 and 153 is 2142
The Least Common Multiple (LCM) of three numbers a, b and c is the smallest number that is divisible by a, b, and c completely.
We can find the LCM of 102, 119 and 153 using the common division method.
LCM of 102, 119 and 153 by Division Method
Follow the steps mentioned below to find the LCM of 18 and 28 by the common division method.
- Step 1: Write the numbers 102, 119 and 153 horizontally.
- Step 2: Choose the smallest prime number that divides at least any one of them.
- Step 3: Write the quotient in the next row just below the numbers. If any of the numbers are not divided, we will bring it down directly.
- Step 4: We will stop it when we don't have a prime number to divide the given numbers.
- Step 5: Least common multiple of 102, 119 and 153 will be the product of primes by which we have divided.
Therefore, LCM of 102, 119 and 153 is 2142
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