If two events are mutually exclusive, what is the probability that both occur at the same time?
Mutually exclusive events are those which do not occur together, or at the same time.
Answer: If two events are mutually exclusive, then the probability that both occur at the same time is zero.
Let us go through the explanation to understand better.
If the two events can happen at the same time, no matter how less their chances are, then they are not mutually exclusive. Mutually exclusive means “if A then not B and if B then not A” You should note that it is possible to have not A and not B here.
For example, if the coin lands head up, it cannot be tails up. If it lands tails up, then it can not have heads up. It could not have landed on the rim with a perfect balance to heads up or tails, so it's a wrong assumption to assume it to be heading since it isn't tails.
Mutually exclusive means that the occurrence of one event is not dependent on the other event.
Probability in case of Mutually Exclusive Events: When two events (supposedly "A" and "B") are Mutually Exclusive it is not possible for them to happen together. So, P(A and B) = 0
Thus, If two events are mutually exclusive, then the probability that both occur at the same time is zero.
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