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A day full of math games & activities. Find one near you.
A day full of math games & activities. Find one near you.
How many right angles do you make if you start facing: (a) South and turn clockwise to the west? (b) North and turn anti-clockwise to east? (c) West and turn to west? (d) South and turn to north?
Clockwise direction means turning in the same direction as hands of the clock and anti-clockwise means turning in the opposite direction of hands of the clock.
Answer: (a) 1 right angle (b) 3 right angle (c) 4 right angle (d) 2 right angle
Let's understand the concept of turning clockwise and anti-clockwise.
(a) When we turn left or right, we make 1 right angle.

Therefore, if you start facing South and turn clockwise to the West you made 1 right angle.
(b) We need to turn 3 times left in order to face East.
Therefore, if you start facing North and turn anti-clockwise to the East you made 3 right angles.
(c) We need to make one complete revolution in order to face the West again.
Therefore, if you start facing West and turn clockwise or anti-clockwise to the West you made 4 right angles.
(d) We need to turn Two times left or right in order to face North.
Therefore, if you start facing South and turn to the North you made 2 right angles.
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