How many days are in a leap year?
Leap year is a year that is divisible by 4 unless it is properly divisible by 100 unless it also properly divisible by 400.
Answer: 366 days are there in a leap year.
Let's learn about leap year.
Approximately earth takes 365.25 days to make one revolution around the orbit of a Sun which is also called a solar year.
In an ordinary year, we generally round 365 days from January to December. But approximately every four years, February has 29 days in place of 28.
So, there are 366 days in the leap year. Leap year is a year that is divisible by 4 unless it is properly divisible by 100 unless it also properly divisible by 400.
Therefore, 2020 was a leap year (as it is divisible by 4), 1900 was not a leap year ( it is evenly divisible by 100), and 2000 was a leap year (evenly divisible by 400).
Hence, 366 days are there in a leap year.
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