HCF of 196 and 38220 by Long Division Method.
HCF (Highest Common Factor) of two or more numbers is the largest possible number which divides the given numbers exactly without leaving any remainder.
Answer: HCF of 196 and 38220 is 196.
We will learn two methods to find HCF of 196 and 38220.
HCF (Highest Common Factor) of 196 and 38220 is the highest possible number which divides 196 and 38220 exactly without leaving any remainder.
HCF of 196 and 38220 by Long Division
- Step 1: Divide 38220 by 196 and check the remainder. Here, the remainder is 0.
- Step 2: From step 1, we conclude that 38220 is a factor of 196.
Let us also verify the HCF of 196 and 38220 by the prime factorization method.
HCF of 196 and 38220 by Prime Factorization
We will express the numbers 196 and 38220 as a product of their prime factors.
196 = 2 × 2 × 7 × 7
38220 = 2 × 2 × 3 × 5 × 7 × 7 × 13
The common factors in both prime factorization = 2 × 2 × 7 × 7.
HCF is the product of the prime factors that are common to the prime factorization of 38220 and 196.
So, HCF of 38220 and 196 is 196.
Therefore, the HCF of 38220 and 196 is 196.
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