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What is the HCF of 1045 and 1520 by division method?
HCF (Highest Common Factor) of two numbers is the highest number that divides the two numbers exactly leaving the remainder 0
Answer: HCF of 1045 and 1520 is 95
Let us see how to find the HCF of 1045 and 1520.
We can find the HCF of 1045 and 1520 by using the long division.
HCF of 1045 and 1520 by Long Division
- Step 1: Divide 1520 by 1045 and check the remainder. Here, the remainder is 475
- Step 2: Make the remainder 475 the divisor and the divisor 1045 the dividend and perform the long division again.
- Step 3: Continue till you get the remainder 0 and the last divisor will be the highest common factor of 1045 and 1520
Therefore, HCF of 1045 and 1520 is 95
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