Numerator and Denominator
The numerator and denominator are the parts of fractions that are separated by a horizontal bar known as the fraction bar. The numerator is the upper part of the fraction and the denominator is the lower part of the fraction. When we represent the numerator and denominator in division, we treat the numerator as the dividend and the denominator as the divisor. Let us read about various parameters associated with the numerator and denominator in detail.
What is Numerator and Denominator?
The denominator indicates the total number of equal parts that form the whole quantity or unit. The numerator indicates the number of selected equal parts. Let us consider the example given below.
A circle is divided into 6 equal sections and 5 parts out of 6 are shaded. So, if we want to represent the shaded part, we can represent it as fraction 5/6, which shows that out of 6 parts, 5 are shaded. Here, 5 is the numerator and 6 is the denominator. The denominator 6 represents the 6 equal parts that make up the whole circle.
Difference Between Numerator and Denominator
The difference between the numerator and denominator is shown below in the table.
Numerator | Denominator |
The term above the fraction bar in a fraction is called the numerator. It shows the number of parts that are selected. | The term below the fraction bar in a fraction is called the denominator. It shows the total number of parts we have as a whole. |
If the value of the numerator is zero, then the complete fraction value is equal to zero. | A denominator can never be zero because zero parts can never make up a whole. |
If the numerator is greater than or equal to the denominator, the fraction is called an improper fraction. | When denominator > numerator, a fraction is a proper fraction. |
The numerator acts as a dividend. | The denominator acts as a divisor. |
For example, in the fraction 3/7, 3 is the numerator. | For example, in the fraction 3/7, 7 is the denominator |
Numerator and Denominator of a Fraction
We know the numerator and denominator are two separate parts of a fraction. A fraction is usually represented in the form of 'X/Y', where 'X' is the numerator and 'Y' is the denominator.
Let us understand this better by looking at a solved example.
Example: Identify the numerator and denominator in the following fractions.
a.) 7/9
b.) 10/23
c.) 15/4
a) In the given fraction 7/9, 7 is the numerator and 9 is the denominator.
b) In the given fraction 10/23, 10 is the numerator and 23 is the denominator.
c) In the given fraction 15/4, 15 is the numerator and 4 is the denominator.
Numerator and Denominator in Division
When we write any fraction term in the form of x/y it is basically represented as x ÷ y. In simple terms, it means, we need to divide the numerator (x) by the denominator (y) to simplify it.
For example, let us represent 3 ÷ 6 in terms of a fraction and identify the numerator and denominator after simplification. 3 ÷ 6 can be represented as 3/6. On further simplification, it gives 1/2. In the fraction 1/2, 1 is the numerator and 2 is the denominator.
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Numerator and Denominator Examples
Example 1: Peter had a slice of bread that was divided into 7 equal parts. He ate 2 parts out of these. Represent the situation in the form of a fraction and identify the numerator and denominator of the fraction.
Total number of parts of the slice = 7
Number of parts he ate = 2
The fraction of bread he ate = 2/7
Here, 7 is the denominator and 2 is the numerator.
Example 2: Identify the numerator and denominator in the given fractions: 1/3, 7/5
In the given fraction 1/3, 1 is the numerator and 3 is the denominator.
In the given fraction 7/5, 7 is the numerator and 5 is the denominator.
Example 3: State true or false with reference to the numerator and denominator.
a.) In the given fraction 1/5, 1 is the numerator and 5 is the denominator.
b.) In the given fraction 8/17, 8 is the numerator and 17 is the denominator.
a.) True, in the given fraction 1/5, 1 is the numerator and 5 is the denominator.
b.) True, in the given fraction 8/17, 8 is the numerator and 17 is the denominator.
FAQs on Numerator and Denominator
What is the Meaning of Numerator and Denominator?
The numerator and denominator are two parts of a fraction. The number on the top of a fraction is the numerator. It shows the number of parts that are selected or spoken about. The bottom number in a fraction is the denominator. It shows the total number of parts into which anything is divided. For example, in the fraction 8/10, 8 is the numerator and 10 is the denominator.
How do you Differentiate Between the Numerator and Denominator of a Fraction?
A fraction is represented in the form of 'x/y', where 'x' is the numerator and 'y' is the denominator. The numerator represents the total number of parts taken into account. Whereas, the denominator represents the total number of equal parts in a fraction. The top number in a fraction is the numerator. The bottom number in a fraction is the denominator.
How to Remember Numerator and Denominator?
There are various ways and tricks to remember the numerators and denominators. The simplest way to remember this is by understanding the placement of numbers in the fractions. We need to remember that the numerator is the top part of the fraction and the denominator is always at the bottom.
How to find the Numerator and Denominator of a Fraction?
When a fraction is represented in the form of p/q it means p ÷ q. Here 'p' is the numerator and 'q' is the denominator. For example, in the fraction, 7/2, 7 is the numerator and 2 is the denominator.
What is the Line Between the Numerator and Denominator Called?
The line between the numerator and denominator is called the fraction bar. For example, in the fraction, 7/16, the numerator 7 and denominator 16 is separated by using a fraction bar.
Identify the Numerator and Denominator in the Fraction 18/27.
In the given fraction 18/27, 18 is the numerator and 27 is the denominator.
What is the Numerator and Denominator of the Following Fractions? 7/13 and 9/17
In the fraction 7/13, 7 is the numerator and 13 is the denominator. In the fraction 9/17, 9 is the numerator and 17 is the denominator.
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