8 Digit Numbers
8 digit numbers start with ten million (one crore), which is 1, followed by 7 zeros and is written as 10000000. While numbers are widely used in our day-to-day life, larger numbers are used to express the population of a state, the distance to be travelled in a certain number of days, the area of a particular place or a country, and so on. Numbers always start with a place value of ones and move on to tens, hundreds, thousands, and so on. Numbers are represented in the numeral form as well as in the word form. The Indian place value system and the International place value system have a very slight difference in the names of a few place values. Let us learn how to read and decompose numbers up to 8 digits.
1. | What are Numbers Up to 8 Digits? |
2. | Reading 8 Digit Numbers |
3. | Place Value of 8 Digit Numbers |
4. | Decomposing 8 Digit Numbers |
5. | FAQs on Numbers Up to 8 Digits |
What are Numbers Up to 8 Digits?
Every number has a place value. The place value gives the actual value of a digit and it starts from ones place. The Indian place value system and the International system have common names till the fifth digit in a number, which is ten thousands. The sixth digit from the right is named 'lakh' in the Indian system and a 'hundred thousand' in the international system. As we move to the 7th digit, we get acquainted with a new word - million. This word is used in the International numbering system and is equivalent to 10 lakh in the Indian system. Observe the following chart which shows the place names for numbers as per the Indian Place Value System and the International Place Value System.
Smallest 8 Digit Number
The smallest 8 digit number is 1 followed by 7 zeros and is written as 10000000. This is called 1 crore in the Indian system and 10 million in the international system. The difference lies in how the commas are placed in the numbers. If we write this number in both ways, this is how they would look.
- Indian Number System - 1,00,00,000
- International Number System - 10,000,000
Largest 8 Digit Number
The largest 8 digit number is 99999999. The next number after 99999999 is 100000000 which is a 9 digit number. In the Indian Place value system, this is read as nine crores, ninety-nine lakh, ninety-nine thousand, nine hundred and ninety-nine. Whereas in the International place value system, this is read as ninety-nine million, nine hundred ninety-nine thousand, nine hundred ninety-nine.
Reading 8 Digit Numbers
Eight digit numbers can be expressed in both the Indian systems of numbers and the International system of numbers. Let us take a random eight-digit number 24864701. The Indian and the international number systems have different ways of expressing numbers in words.
Indian: 2,48,64,701 (This can be read as two crores forty-eight lakhs sixty-four thousand seven hundred and one)
International: 24,864,701 (This can be written as twenty-four million, eight hundred sixty-four thousand seven hundred and one)
Place Value of 8 Digit Numbers
Every number consists of a certain number of digits and each digit in a number has a value based on its position. For example, in the number 52, the number 2 has a place value of 2 and the number 5 has a place value of 50, since it is present in the tens place. Any eight-digit number has place values up to one crore (in the Indian system) and ten million (in the international system). Numbers up to 8 digits have the following place values.
- Digit 1 – Units/Ones
- Digit 2 – Tens
- Digit 3 – Hundreds
- Digit 4 – Thousands
- Digit 5 – Ten Thousands
- Digit 6 – Lakhs / Hundred Thousands
- Digit 7 – Ten Lakhs / One Million
- Digit 8 – Crores / Ten Million
Decomposing 8 digit Numbers
Decomposing a number means splitting a number into smaller numbers. Based on the place values a number can be decomposed. So let us take the 8-digit number, 24864701, and see how it gets decomposed. Here, PV stands for Place Value.
Digit 1 PV = 1 × 1 = | 1 |
Digit 2 PV = 0 × 10 = | 0 |
Digit 3 PV = 7 × 100 = | 700 |
Digit 4 PV = 4 × 1000 = | 4000 |
Digit 5 PV = 6 × 10000 = | 60000 |
Digit 6 PV = 8 × 100000 = | 800000 |
Digit 7 PV = 4 × 1000000 = | 4000000 |
Digit 8 PV = 2 × 10000000 = | 20000000 |
Therefore, the number 24864701 can be decomposed as (1 × 1) + (0 × 10) + (7 × 100) + (4 × 1000) + (6 × 10000) + (8 × 100000) + (4 × 1000000) + (2 × 10000000), which is equal to 1 + 700 + 4000 + 60000 + 800000 + 4000000 + 20000000. There are 8 place values in every 8 digit number, and any number from 0 to 9 can be the digits. There is only one exception. If the leftmost place value (Ten Million / Crores) is zero, then it becomes a 7-digit number. If the digits in 24864701 are rearranged to place the zero on the extreme left, the number becomes 04864721, in which case it becomes a 7-digit number 4864721.
Important Notes on 8 Digit Numbers
Some important points to remember about 8-digit numbers are given below.
- The largest 8-digit number is 9,99,99,999, which is read as nine crores, ninety-nine lakh, ninety-nine thousand, nine hundred and ninety-nine (Indian Place value system)
- The smallest 8-digit number is 1,00,00,000 which is read as one crore.
- There are nine crore 8-digit numbers in all.
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Examples on Numbers Up to 8 Digits
Example 1: Write the expanded form of the 8-digit number: 85348732 as per the Indian Place Value System.
8,53,48,732 can be expanded in three forms:
8,53,48,732 = 8 crore + 5 ten lakhs + 3 lakhs + 4 ten thousands + 8 thousands + 7 hundreds + 3 tens + 2 ones
8,53,48,732 = (8 × 10000000) + (5 × 1000000) + (3 × 100000) + (4 × 10000) + (8 × 1000) + (7 × 100) + (3 × 10) + (2 × 1)
8,53,48,732 = 8,00,00,000 + 50,00,000 + 3,00,000 + 40,000 + 8,000 + 700 + 30 + 2.
Example 2: There are 8 blocks with numbers printed on them. Using the Indian Place Value system, arrange them to find the greatest 8-digit number which can be formed with no digit repeated.
For the greatest number, the digit on the Crore place will be the greatest: 8. Now, the other numbers will be arranged in descending order: 8,65,43,210
Therefore, the number is 8,65,43,210.
Example 3: Find the difference between the greatest 8-digit number and the smallest 6-digit number. Write the predecessor and successor of the result obtained.
The greatest 8-digit number is 99,999,999. The smallest 6-digit number is 100,000. Their difference is 99,999,999 - 100,000 = 99,899,999. The predecessor of 99,899,999 is 99,899,998. The successor of 99,899,999 is 99,900,000.
FAQs on Numbers Up to 8 Digits
What are 8 Digit Numbers?
8 digit numbers start with 10000000 and end with 99999999. These are natural numbers in which the first digit should be 1 or greater than 1 and the rest of the digits can be any number between 0 and 9.
What is the Largest 8 Digit Number?
The largest 8-digit number is 99999999 which is read as nine crores, ninety-nine lakh, ninety-nine thousand, nine hundred and ninety-nine as per the Indian Place Value Chart. As per the International Place Value System, this is read as ninety-nine million, nine hundred ninety-nine thousand, nine hundred and ninety-nine.
How Many 8 Digit Numbers are there in all?
There are nine crore (9,00,00,000) 8-digit numbers in all. They start from 1,00,00,000.
What is the Smallest 8 Digit Number?
The smallest 8-digit number is 10000000 which is read as one crore in the Indian system and ten million in the international system. The smallest 8-digit number is obtained by adding 1 to the largest 7-digit number, which is 9999999. Adding 9999999 + 1 gives us 1,00,00,000.
What is the Successor and Predecessor of the First 8 Digit Number?
The first 8 digit number is 10,000,000. The successor is the number that is obtained by adding 1 to the given number, therefore, the successor of 10,000,000 is 1,00,00,001. A predecessor is a number that is obtained by subtracting 1 from the given number, therefore, the predecessor of 10,000,000 is 9999999.
What is the Largest 8 digit Even Number?
First, let us check the largest 8-digit number which is 99,999,999, but this is not an even number. Let us check the number that comes before it. Therefore, 99,999,998 is the largest 8-digit even number.
How to Write 8 Digit Numbers in Words?
As per the Indian Place Value System, 8 digit numbers start with the place value of one crore and as per the International Place Value Chart, it starts with ten million. For example, the following 8 digit number, 45632145 is read as four crores fifty-six lakh thirty-two thousand one hundred and forty-five in the Indian system. In the international system, it is read as forty-five million six hundred and thirty-two thousand one hundred and forty-five.
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