Decimals on Number Line
Decimals are another form of a fraction in which the whole number is separated from the fractional part using a dot. Decimals on a number line are very similar to the representation of fractions on a number line except for its way of representation. Decimals help us with precise calculations where the differences in minor values are vital. We will be studying more about the representation of decimals on a number line in this article.
1. | Representing Decimals on Number Line |
2. | How to Represent Decimals on Number Line? |
3. | FAQs on Decimals on Number Line |
Representing Decimals on Number Line
Representing decimal on a number line is defined as the plotting of decimal numbers on a number line. Decimal numbers are a combination of an integral and fractional part which is separated using a dot (.). The integral part can be either lesser or greater than 0. On a number line, the decimals are placed between integers.
How to Represent Decimals on Number Line?
Decimal representation on a number line is very similar to the representation of fractions. The left-hand side of 0 on a number line represents the negative region and the right-hand side of 0 represents the positive region. Let us represent 0.3 on a number line using the following steps shown below.
Step I: Draw a number line by marking 0 as the reference.
Step II: Identify the integers between which the decimal lies and mark them. 0.3 lies between 0 and 1.
Step III: We will now be making 10 divisions between the integers 0 and 1.
Step IV: Now, we will be moving towards the right starting from 0 by the number of steps equivalent to the right-most digit value after the decimal point. For 0.3 we will be moving 3 places towards the right.
Thus, we have marked 0.3 on the number line.
Let's take another example. We will represent 2.83 on the number line. We know that 2.83 lies between 2.8 and 2.9. Below are the steps to plot 2.83 on the number line:
- Step I: We will start by marking the numbers 2.8 and 2.9 on the number line as shown below.
- Step II: We will be making 10 divisions between the numbers.
- Step III: Starting from 2.8, we will be moving towards the right by 3 units as the digit in 2.83 at the extreme right is 3 and land on 2.83.
Representation of Negative Decimals on Number Line
For representing negative decimals on a number line, we follow the same set of rules as described above. The only difference is that the overall operation will be done towards the left-hand side of the origin, i.e. 0 on the number line as we are dealing with negative numbers.
Let us represent - 0.6 on a number line.
Step I: We know that - 0.6 lies between 0 and - 1. Thus the range of the integers will be 0 and -1.
Step II: We will be making 10 divisions between 0 and -1.
Step III: To plot - 0.6, we will take 0 as the reference and move 6 steps towards the left as shown below.
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Decimals on Number Line Examples
Example 1: Plot the decimal 1.25 on a number line.
Solution: We will follow the steps of plotting decimals on a number line to locate 1.25 on a number line.
We know that 1.25 is greater than 1 and lesser than 2, thus to plot 1.25 we will be moving by 1 whole keeping 0 as the reference and 0.25 steps towards the right from 1 as shown below.
From the above figure, we see that to plot 1.25 we move by 1 whole unit (10 divisions) from 0 to 1 followed by moving 2 divisions to reach 1.2 and then move by 1/2 division as 1.25 lies exactly between 1.2 and 1.3.
Example 2: Represent the decimals - 0.4 and - 0.7 on a number line.
Solution: Let us plot the decimals - 0.4, - 0.7 on the number line by following the steps given below.
- 0.4 and - 0.7 lies between 0 and - 1. We will be making 10 divisions between 0 and - 1 to plot the given decimals. Starting from 0 as the reference, to plot - 0.4 we will move 4 steps towards the left and to plot - 0.7 we will move 7 steps towards the left as shown in the above figure.
FAQs on Decimals on Number Line
What is Decimal on Number Line?
Decimals on a number line are a way of representing decimals visually by making divisions and counting steps very similar to fractions.
Can we Represent Decimals on Number Line?
Yes, decimals can be represented on a number line between any two integers just like fractions are plotted. For example, the decimal - 5.6 is represented between - 5 and - 6 on the number line by dividing the segment into 10 equal parts.
How to Locate Decimals on Number Line?
Locating decimals on the number line is done by finding the range of integers between which the decimal lies followed by making divisions and moving towards the right or left based on the sign of the decimal number given. For example: To locate 0.7 on a number line, we mark the integers 0 and 1 and make 10 divisions between them followed by moving 7 steps towards the right keeping 0 as reference.
How to Graph Decimals on a Number Line?
Graphing decimals on a number line is very similar to locating decimals on a number line. The integers are identified between which the decimal lies followed by making divisions and moving towards the left-hand side or right-hand side of the number line depending upon the sign of the decimal. For example: To plot - 0.2 on a number line, we mark the integers 0 and - 1, followed by making 10 divisions and moving by 2 steps towards the left keeping 0 as the reference.
How do you put Negative Decimals on a Number Line?
Plotting negative decimals on a number line is very similar to the representation of positive decimals. The only difference is that we plot negative decimals towards the left-hand side of zero on the number line. For example: To plot - 0.8 on the number line, we mark the integers 0 and - 1, followed by making 10 divisions and moving 8 steps towards the left starting with 0 as the reference point.
How do you Represent 1.7 on a Number Line?
To plot 1.7 on a number line, we mark the numbers 1 and 2 as 1.7 lies between these integers. Starting from 1, we move towards the right by 7 units to land at 1.7 on the number line.
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