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A day full of math games & activities. Find one near you.
A day full of math games & activities. Find one near you.
Very small numbers can be expressed in standard form using positive exponents. Is the given statement true or false?
False, because very small number contains decimals and to express decimals using exponents, powers are to be negative
✦ Try This: When the exponents are shifted from numerator to denominator (or vice versa) then the sign of the index is not affected. Is the given statement true or false?
False: when the shifting of the terms from the numerator to denominator or vice versa sign of the index changes.
☛ Also Check: NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Maths Chapter 12
NCERT Exemplar Class 8 Maths Chapter 8 Sample Problem 6
Very small numbers can be expressed in standard form using positive exponents. Is the given statement true or false?
Very small numbers can be expressed in standard form using positive exponents is a false statement
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