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A day full of math games & activities. Find one near you.
A day full of math games & activities. Find one near you.
A day full of math games & activities. Find one near you.
The distance between earth and sun is 150 million kilometres which can be written in exponential form as _______.
1.5 × 10⁸ kms
In exponential form, the power represents the number of times we are multiplying the base by itself.
1 million = 1,000,000 = 10⁶
150 million = 150,000,000 = 150 × 10⁶ = 1.5 × 10⁸
∴ 150 million kilometres = 1.5 × 10⁸ kms
✦ Try This: The distance between the earth and the planet mars is 316.96 million kilometers which can be expressed in exponential form as _________
3.1696 × 10⁸ Kms
1 million = 1,000,000 = 10⁶
316.96 million = 316,960,000 = 316.96 × 10⁶ = 3.1696 × 10⁸
☛ Also Check: NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Maths Chapter 12
NCERT Exemplar Class 8 Maths Chapter 8 Sample Problem 5
The distance between earth and sun is 150 million kilometres which can be written in exponential form as _______
The distance between earth and sun is 150 million kilometres which can be written in exponential form as 1.5 × 10⁸ kms
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