State whether the ‘Or’ used in the following statements is exclusive ‘or’ inclusive. Give reasons for your answer.
(i) Sun rises or Moon sets
(ii) To apply for a driving license, you should have a ration card or a passport
(iii) All integers are positive or negative
Inclusive "or" allows either or both of the possibilities to happen at a time whereas exclusive "or" allows only one possibility to happen at a time.
(i) Here, ‘or’ is exclusive because it is not possible for both the Sun to rise and the moon to set together.
(ii) Here, ‘or’ is inclusive since to apply for a driving license, a person can have both a ration card and a passport.
(iii) Here, ‘or’ is exclusive because no integer can be both positive and negative
NCERT Solutions Class 11 Maths Chapter 14 Exercise 14.3 Question 4
State whether the ‘Or’ used in the following statements is exclusive ‘or’ inclusive. Give reasons for your answer. (i) Sun rises or Moon sets. (ii) To apply for a driving license, you should have a ration card or a passport. (iii) All integers are positive or negative.
(i) Here, ‘or’ is exclusive because it is not possible for both the Sun to rise and the moon to set together
(ii) Here, ‘or’ is inclusive since to apply for a driving license, a person can have both a ration card and a passport
(iii) Here, ‘or’ is exclusive because no integer can be both positive and negative
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