Represent geometrically the following number on the number line: √5.6
We have to locate √5.6 on the number line.
To represent the number √5.6 graphically,
First mark the given distance 5.6 units on the given line, from a fixed point A such that
AB = 5.6 units.
Mark a new point C at a distance of 1 unit from B such that BC = 1 unit.
Now, mark the point O which is the midpoint of AC.
Draw a semicircle with radius OC and center O.
Next, draw a line perpendicular to AC passing through B and intersecting the semicircle at D.
Now, BD = √5.6 units
Draw an arc with radius BD and centre B.
The arc intersects the number line at E such that
BE = BD = √5.6 units
✦ Try This: Represent geometrically the following number on the number line: √7.6
☛ Also Check: NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Maths Chapter 1
NCERT Exemplar Class 9 Maths Exercise 1.3 Problem 6(ii)
Represent geometrically the following number on the number line: √5.6
The geometrical representation of the number √5.6 on the number line is mentioned above
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