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A day full of math games & activities. Find one near you.
A day full of math games & activities. Find one near you.
A day full of math games & activities. Find one near you.
Replace ? with appropriate fraction in fig 4.
The pattern will be
0.1/10 = 0.01
0.01/10 = 0.001
0.001/10 = 0.0001
So the next fraction will be
0.0001/10 = 0.00001
Therefore, the appropriate fraction will be 0.00001.
✦ Try This: If the pattern is 0.2, 0.02, 0.002, 0.0002, x. Find the value of x.
☛ Also Check: NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Maths Chapter 2
NCERT Exemplar Class 7 Maths Chapter 2 Exercise Problem 122
Replace ? with appropriate fraction in fig 4.
The appropriate fraction is 0.00001
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