NCERT Solutions Class 6 Maths Chapter 10 Exercise 10.2 Mensuration
The NCERT Solutions for Class 6 maths Chapter 10 exercise 10.2 Mensuration deals with the concept of the area of the plane figures. The amount of surface enclosed by a closed figure is called its area. Most of the questions of this chapter are based on visuals, hence students will learn how to calculate the area without using any formula. NCERT solutions class 6 maths chapter 10 exercise 10.2 is the most useful resource for class 6 students.
This is a short exercise with just one question and different sup-parts. All the questions come with visuals and kids have to find the area of these figures by the method of counting the squares. The Class 6 maths NCERT solutions Chapter 10 exercise 10.2 can be accessed in pdf format via the link given below :
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Exercise 10.2 Class 6 Chapter 10

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NCERT Solutions Class 6 Maths Chapter 10 Exercise 10.2 Tips
The NCERT solutions Class 6 maths Chapter 10 exercise 10.2 Mensuration has many solved examples which will teach students how to find the area of figures by counting squares method. In this method, the area of one full square is taken as 1 sq unit. If it is a centimeter square sheet, then the area of one full square will be 1 sq cm.
NCERT solutions Class 6 maths Chapter 10 exercise 10.2 is a fairly easy exercise. In order to get the right answers, kids must be able to visualize the figures and ignore portions of the area that are less than half a square.
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