NCERT Solutions Class 12 Maths Chapter 9 Exercise 9.5 Differential Equations
NCERT solutions class 12 maths chapter 9 exercise 9.5 differential equations elaborate on how to find the solution to a homogeneous differential equation. A differential equation which can be expressed in the form dy/dx = f (x,y) or dx/dy = g(x,y) where, f (x, y) and g(x,y) are homogenous functions of degree zero is called a homogeneous differential equation. To find if a differential equation is homogeneous we substitute F1 (x, y) with F1 (λx, λy). If this value can be expressed as λn F(x, y) then we conclude that the given equation is homogeneous. Once we establish this, using the methods indicated in the previous exercises we can find the solution of the differential equation. NCERT solutions class 12 maths chapter 9 exercise 9.5 is well-structured to provide students with a deep-seated knowledge of the above concepts.
To solve the 17 sums in the NCERT solutions class 12 maths chapter 9 exercise 9.5 differential equations kids need to focus well as these could be medium or complex. Students must not skip any steps while attempting these problems as this could result in an improper answer. Given below is the link to the solutions that can be used to improve the understanding of concepts in this section.
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Exercise 9.5 Class 12 Chapter 9

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NCERT Solutions Class 12 Maths Chapter 9 Exercise 9.5 Tips
NCERT solutions class 12 maths chapter 9 differential equations can become complicated as the answers to questions are usually lengthy with difficult calculations. While attempting such sums students might get lost while performing the computations hence, the key is to take time and follow each step meticulously. This will ensure the prevention of silly mistakes and enable kids to get the correct answers.
NCERT solutions class 12 maths chapter 9 exercise 9.5 helps students harness speed and accuracy while performing calculations. Once they are comfortable with attempting the questions kids can move on to timing themselves so as to finish their papers well within the given limit and get good marks in their board exams.
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