NCERT Solutions Class 12 Maths Chapter 3 Exercise 3.2 Matrices
NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Maths Chapter 3 Exercise 3.2 Matrices consists of questions to perform arithmetic operations on matrices. There are three main arithmetic operations performed on matrices. They can be added, subtracted, or multiplied according to certain rules of matrix algebra. We can perform an element wise arithmetic operation on each element of a matrix separately. For example, in matrix addition the corresponding elements of the two matrices must be added to each other. To perform addition of two matrices they must have the same dimensions, or one must be a scalar. This topic holds great relevance in real life and hence needs thorough practice and revision.
NCERT solutions Class 12 maths Chapter 3 Exercise 3.2 comprises 22 sums, sample problems, examples, and illustrations that enable students to learn how matrices operate. With the practice of the questions provided in these solutions, students can easily clear all their doubts related to performing mathematical operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of matrices. These solutions are a great means to prepare for exams and various competitive tests as they promote problem-solving skills in students. Class 12 Maths NCERT Solutions Chapter 3 Exercise 3.2 is also available in a scrollable PDF format that students can download by clicking on the links below.
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Exercise 3.2 Class 12 Chapter 3

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NCERT Solutions Class 12 Maths Chapter 3 Exercise 3.2 Formulas
NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Maths Chapter 3 Exercise 3.2 is an amazing resource prepared to facilitate precise learning. Practicing these resources will help students to gain a deep understanding of all complex concepts quickly. Students should attempt the easy questions first to understand how much more practice they need for each topic. They can always refer to the step-wise solutions whenever they get stuck in the complex sums. Some of the properties and rules related to matrices operations are:
- Commutative Property of Addition: A + B = B + A
- Associative Property of Addition: A + (B + C) = (A + B) + C
- Additive Identity: There is a unique m x n matrix O such that A + O =
- Additive Inverse: For any m x n matrix A there is an m x n matrix B (called -A) such that A + B = O
- Associative Law of Multiplication: For any three matrices A, B and C, (AB) C = A (BC).
- Distributive Law of Multiplication: For three matrices A, B and C,
(i) A (B+C) = AB + AC
(ii) (A+B) C = AC + BC.
- Multiplicative identity: For every square matrix A, there exists an identity matrix of the same order such that IA = AI = A.
NCERT solutions are beneficial in learning more about such properties, terms, and identities. By solving the sample papers and examples provided in the Class 12 Maths NCERT Solutions Chapter 3 it is easy to establish an in-depth conceptual understanding of each topic.
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