NCERT Solutions Class 11 Maths Chapter 15 Exercise 15.1 Statistics
NCERT solutions for class 11 maths chapter 15 exercise 15.1 statistics are based on the mean deviation which is a measure of dispersion. There are three such measures namely range, standard deviation, and quartile deviation. The range of data gives us a rough idea of variability or scatter but does not tell us about the dispersion of the data from a measure of central tendency. For this purpose, we use the mean and standard deviation. These measures are performed on both ungrouped and grouped data. Grouped data can further be classified into a discrete and continuous frequency distribution. Additionally, students also learn how to find the mean deviation about the median. The method to determine each measure varies and hence, kids need to remember all the steps in detail to get the correct answers. NCERT solutions class 11 maths chapter 15 exercise 15.1 has 12 questions that are based on the mean deviation formulas.
The point to remember while attempting the class 11 maths NCERT solutions chapter 15 exercise 15.1 statistics is that students need to be able to identify the type of data available in the question to apply the correct formula. Once they can do this, they won’t make errors in solving problems. The scrollable PDF of these solutions can be accessed via the link given below.
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Exercise 15.1 Class 11 Chapter 15

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NCERT Solutions Class 11 Maths Chapter 15 Exercise 15.1 Tips
NCERT solutions class 11 maths chapter 15 exercise 15.1 statistics covers important formulas that are used to solve problems. Hence, kids need to be well-versed with them. These sums are fairly easy if students can identify whether the data is grouped or ungrouped. As these questions can prove to be lengthy children need to be particularly mindful of performing correct calculations and not make mistakes in doing simple addition or subtraction.
NCERT solutions class 11 maths chapter 15 exercise 15.1 also sees questions in which students are required to convert a discrete frequency distribution to a continuous frequency distribution. Thus, children must be able to use the data interchangeably according to the sum.
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