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A day full of math games & activities. Find one near you.
A day full of math games & activities. Find one near you.
A day full of math games & activities. Find one near you.
Give (i) an oblique sketch and (ii) an isometric sketch for each of the following:
(а) A cuboid of dimensions 5 cm, 3 cm and 2 cm. (Is your sketch unique?)
(b) A cube with an edge 4 cm long
An isometric sheet is attached at the end of the book. You could try to make on it some cubes or cuboids of dimensions specified by your friend.
a) Oblique and isometric sketch for a cuboid of dimensions 5 cm, 3 cm and 2 cm
The sketch for the cuboid is not unique. Two more possible ways are there to construct the same cuboid.
b) oblique and isometric sketch for a cube with 44 cm length
☛ Check: NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Maths Chapter 15
Video Solution:
Give (i) an oblique sketch and (ii) an isometric sketch for each of the following: (а) A cuboid of dimensions 5 cm, 3 cm and 2 cm. (Is your sketch unique?) (b) A cube with an edge 4 cm long. An isometric sheet is attached at the end of the book. You could try to make on it some cubes or cuboids of dimensions specified by your friend
Maths NCERT Solutions Class 7 Chapter 15 Exercise 15.2 Question 5
We have drawn (i) an oblique sketch and (ii) an isometric sketch for each of the following: (а) A cuboid of dimensions 5 cm, 3 cm and 2 cm. (b) A cube with an edge 4 cm long. The sketch for the cuboid is not unique. Two more possible ways are there to construct the same cuboid.
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