For a fixed base 10, if the exponent decreases by 1, the number becomes
(a) One-tenth of the previous number.
(b) Ten times of the previous number.
(c) Hundredth of the previous number.
(d) Hundred times of the previous number
Solution:The Correct answer is(a)
For a fixed base 10, if the exponent decreases by 1, the number becomes
Let x = (10), if index is reduced by 1 then the number is (1/10) thus we find that answer is reduced by one tenth
✦ Try This: If the base of an exponent is a fraction which is greater than zero but less than one then if power is increased by 1 then value of the exponent is (a) Remains same, (b) Increases, (c) Decreases, (d) Can’t say
The Correct answer is(c)
If the base of the exponent is a fraction which is greater than zero but less than one then if power is increased by 1 then the value of exponent decreases.
For example: Let x = (1/2) then y = (1/2)² = 1/4 clearly, x > y thus we may notice that value of the fraction decreases when the powers are increased.
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NCERT Exemplar Class 8 Maths Chapter 8 Problem 2
For a fixed base 10, if the exponent decreases by 1, the number becomes (a) One-tenth of the previous number, (b) Ten times of the previous number, (c) Hundredth of the previous number, (d) Hundred times of the previous number
For a fixed base 10, if the exponent decreases by 1, the number becomes One-tenth of the previous number
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