Estimate what part of the figures is coloured and hence find the per cent which is coloured.

In this figure, one part out of four parts is coloured.
So the fraction of the coloured part is 1/4.
Convert the fraction into a percentage by multiplying the fraction by 100.
Percentage of coloured part = 1/4 ×100
= 25%
In this figure, three parts out of five parts are coloured.
Hence the fraction of coloured parts is 3/5.
Percentage of coloured part = 3/5 × 100
= 60%
In this figure, three parts out of eight parts are coloured.
Hence the fraction of coloured parts is 3/8.
Percentage of coloured part = 3 / 8 ×100
= 37.5%
☛ Check: NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Maths Chapter 8
Video Solution:
Estimate what part of the figures is coloured and hence find the per cent which is coloured
Class 7 Maths NCERT Solutions Chapter 8 Exercise 8.2 Question 3
The part that is colored has been estimated and the percentage is found as follows: (i)Percentage of coloured part is 25%, (ii)Percentage of coloured part is 60%, (iii) Percentage of coloured part is 37.5%
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