Draw a graph for the following.
(i) Is it a linear graph?

(ii) Is it a linear graph?

A line graph which is a whole unbroken line is called a linear graph.
(i) Choosing a suitable scale,
For x-axis, 2 unit = 1 cm and for y-axis, 2 unit = 5 cm
We can represent the side of a square on the x-axis and the perimeter of that square on the y-axis. A graph of the given data is drawn as follows.
It is a linear graph.
(ii) Choosing a suitable scale,
For x-axis, 2unit = 1 cm and for y-axis, 2 unit = 5 cm
We can represent the side of a square on the x-axis and the area of that square on the y-axis. A graph of the given data is as follows.
It is not a linear graph.
☛ Check: NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Maths Chapter 15
Video Solution:
Draw a graph for the following. (i) Is it a linear graph? (ii) Is it a linear graph?
Class 8 Maths NCERT Solutions Chapter 15 Exercise 15.3 Question 2
From the given data,(i) Linear graph (ii) Not a linear graph
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