Denominator of a number is 4 less than its numerator. If 6 is added to the numerator it becomes thrice the denominator. Find the fraction.
Denominator of a number is 4 less than its numerator.
If 6 is added to the numerator it becomes thrice the denominator.
We have to find the fraction.
Let the numerator be x
Denominator = x - 4
Now, fraction = x/(x-4)
According to the question,
x + 6 = 3(x - 4)
x + 6 = 3x - 12
By transposing,
x - 3x = -12 - 6
-2x = -18
x = 18/2
x = 9
Now, x - 4 = 9 - 4 = 5
Fraction = 9/5
Therefore, the required fraction is 9/5
✦ Try This: Denominator of a number is 6 less than its numerator. If 8 is added to the numerator it becomes twice the denominator. Find the fraction.
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NCERT Exemplar Class 8 Maths Chapter 4 Problem 104
Denominator of a number is 4 less than its numerator. If 6 is added to the numerator it becomes thrice the denominator. Find the fraction.
Denominator of a number is 4 less than its numerator. If 6 is added to the numerator it becomes thrice the denominator. The fraction is 9/5
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