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A day full of math games & activities. Find one near you.
A day full of math games & activities. Find one near you.
A day full of math games & activities. Find one near you.
A financial counselor gave a client this pie chart describing how to budget his income. If the client brings home Rs. 50,000 each month, how much should he spend in each category?

Total budget is Rs. 50,000
- Housing is 30%; 30/100 × 50,000 = Rs.15,000
- Food is 20%; 20/100 × 50,000 = Rs.10,000
- Car loan is 25%; 25/100 × 50,000 = RS. 12,500
- Utilities is 10%; 10/100 × 50,000 = RS. 5000
- Phone is 5%; 5/100 × 50,000 = Rs.2500
- Clothing is 5%; 5/100 × 50,000 = RS.2500
- Entertainment is 5%; 5/100 × 50,000 = RS.2500
✦ Try This: A financial counselor gave a client this pie chart describing how to budget his income. If the client brings home Rs. 70,000 each month, how much should he spend in each category?
☛ Also Check: NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Maths Chapter 5
NCERT Exemplar Class 8 Maths Chapter 2 Problem 115
A financial counselor gave a client this pie chart describing how to budget his income. If the client brings home Rs. 50,000 each month, how much should he spend in each category?
1. Housing is 30%; 30/100 × 50,000 = Rs.15,000, 2. Food is 20%; 20/100 × 50,000 = Rs.10,000, 3. Car loan is 25%; 25/100 × 50,000 = RS. 12,500, 4. Utilities is 10%; 10/100 × 50,000 = RS. 5000, 5. Phone is 5%; 5/100 × 50,000 = Rs.2500, 6. Clothing is 5%; 5/100 × 50,000 = RS.2500, 7. Entertainment is 5% ; 5/100 × 50,000 = RS.2500
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