Feet to Cm
Feet is a unit of measuring length as per the US standard system of measurement and centimeters is the unit of length measurement as per the metric system. Feet is abbreviated as 'ft' and centimeter is abbreviated as 'cm'. To convert a given length from feet to cm, we multiply the value by 30.48, as there are 30.48 cms in 1 foot. Let us learn more about feet to cm conversion in this article.
1. | Feet to Cm Formula |
2. | How to Convert Feet to Cm? |
3. | Feet to Cm Height Chart |
4. | FAQs on Feet to Centimeters |
Feet to Cm Formula
There are 30.48 cms in 1 foot, so to convert feet to cm (ft to cm), we multiply the length value by 30.48. Thus, the formula of feet to cm conversion is given as Value (in cm) = 30.48 × Value (in feet). By substituting the value given in feet in this formula, we can find its equivalent value in centimeters.
Here it is important to note that when we talk about 1 unit, we use "Foot" and the plural of foot is "feet" which is used to represent values greater than 1, for example, 2 feet, 3 feet, 5 feet, etc.
How to Convert Feet to Cm?
Feet to cm conversion is important to learn to be able to compare the lengths given in two different units. Comparing lengths or performing arithmetic operations on them require us to have the values in the same unit. To convert feet to centimeters, follow the steps given below:
- Step 1: Multiply the given value by 30.48.
- Step 2: Write the final product with the units - "centimeters" or "cm".
For example, to convert 6 feet to cm, we just have to multiply 6 by 30.48. This implies, 6 feet = 6 × 30.48 cm = 182.88 cm. Therefore, 6 ft in cm is 182.88 cm. The usage of feet and inches is more popular in the measurement of height. So, the feet to cm height conversion chart is explained in the next section. It will also help you to learn feet and inches to cm conversion.
Feet to Cm Height Chart
Feet and centimeters are the most common units for height measurement. You must have seen people saying that they are 5 feet tall, or say 152 centimeters tall. In this section, let us learn how to convert height from feet to centimeters.
1 ft = 30.48 cm
4'8" means 4 feet and 8 inches. In 1 inch, there are 2.54 cms. So, 8 inches = 20.32 cms. And 4 feet = 4 × 30.48 cms = 121.92 cms. It means 4 feet 8 inches (4'8") = 121.92 + 20.32 = 142.24 cms. Similarly, 4'9" = 4 feet + 9 inches = 121.92 cms + 22.86 cms = 144.78 cms (can be approximated to 144.8 cms). The feet to cm height chart is given below showing some of the commonly used values of height in feet in centimeters.
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Feet to Centimeters Examples
Example 1: Ron's height is 5'2" feet, But he wants to know his height in centimeters. Can we help him to do the conversion?
Solution: Given, Ron's height = 5'2". It means he is 5 feet and 2 inches tall. To convert feet to cm, multiply the value by 30.48. And to convert inches to cm, multiply the value by 2.54.
⇒ 5'2" = 5 feet + 2 inches
⇒ 5'2" = 5 × 30.48 + 2 × 2.54
⇒ 5'2" = 152.4 + 5.08
⇒ 5'2" = 157.48 cms
Therefore, Ron's height in centimeters is 157.48 cms.
Example 2: Convert 5 feet 10 inches in cm.
Solution: To convert feet to centimeters, multiply the value by 30.48, and for inches to cm conversion, multiply the given value by 2.54.
⇒ 5 feet + 10 inches
⇒ 5 × 30.48 + 10 × 2.54
⇒ 152.4 + 25.4
= 177.8 cms
Therefore, 5 feet 10 inches is the same as 177.8 cms.
Example 3: Add: 3 ft + 200 cms.
Solution: Since we cannot add feet to centimeters, let us convert 3 feet to cm first.
⇒ 3 feet = 3 × 30.48
= 91.44 cms
Now, we can add 91.44 to 200 cms.
⇒ 200 + 91.44
= 291.44 cms
Therefore, 3 ft + 200 cms = 291.44 cms.
FAQs on Feet to Centimeters
What is Feet to Cm?
Feet to centimeters conversion is done by multiplying the given value by 30.48, as there are 30.48 cms in 1 foot. It is important to convert feet to cm when lengths are given in different units, as we cannot compare or add/subtract lengths in different units. It has to be converted into a common unit first. So, in those cases, we convert feet to cm or vice-versa.
What is 5 Feet to Cm?
5 feet in cm is 152.4 cms. There are 30.48 cms in 1 foot, so to convert 5 feet to cm, multiply 5 by 30.48 to get 152.4 centimeters.
What is Height from Feet to Cm?
'Feet' is used to measure height under the US standard system of measurement while 'centimeters' is used to measure height under the metric system of measurement. In 1 foot, there are 30.48 cms. So, in 5 feet, there are 152.4 cms. Height more than 5 feet is greater than 153 cms and height less than 5 feet is less than 150 cms. Height is usually measured in feet and inches. So, to convert height from feet to cm, we have to convert feet and inches to centimeters separately followed by adding the results.
How to Convert Inches and Feet to Cm?
Inches can be converted to cm by multiplying the value by 2.54, while feet can be converted to cm by multiplying the value by 30.48.
- 1 inch = 2.54 cms
- 1 foot = 30.48 cms
How to Convert Feet to Cm in Height?
Height is measured and written in feet and inches under the US standard system. To convert height from feet to cm, multiply the feet and inches separately by 30.48 and 2.54 respectively, and add the values. For example, let us convert 5'4" in centimeters.
⇒ 5 feet + 4 inches
⇒ 5 × 30.48 + 4 × 2.54
⇒ 152.4 + 10.16
= 162.56 cms
This is how we convert height from feet to cm.
How to Convert Square Feet to Cm?
To convert square feet to square centimeters, multiply the given value by 929, as there are 929 square cms in 1 square foot (approximately). Square feet and square centimeters are units of measuring the area of two-dimensional shapes.
What is 5.5 Feet to Cm?
5.5 feet in centimeters is 167.64 cms. There are 30.48 cms in 1 foot, so to convert 5.5 feet to cm, multiply 5.5 by 30.48 to get 167.64 centimeters.
How to Convert Cubic Feet to Cm?
To convert cubic feet to cubic centimeters, multiply the given value by 28317, as there are 28317 cubic cms in 1 cubic foot (approximately). Cubic feet and cubic centimeters are units of measuring the volume of three-dimensional shapes.
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