Your Child’s Success, Nurtured by Caring Tutors
Highest rated online 1:1 tutoring with experts from India

Highest rated online 1:1 tutoring with experts from India

4.7+ Rating
4.7+ Rating
80+ Countries
School Aligned Curriculum
80+ Countries
School Aligned Curriculum
200,000 +
200,000 +
30 Million +
Classes Delivered
30 Million +
Classes Delivered
Our Programs
All essential skills for the new age!
Master problem-solving and ace math at school and beyond!
Select Grade
Explore, experiment, and build a strong scientific mindset.
Grades 3-5
Grades 6-8
Learn to think logically and
build real-world
Grades 1-3
Grades 4-6
Grades 7-10
Boost confidence and ace
Manan Khurma
Founder, Cuemath
IIT Delhi Alumnus
Our mission is to nurture every child’s potential through personalized, engaging and thoughtful teaching. We aim to inspire a love for learning, building lifelong confidence. 💛
For over 10 years, our passionate team has been bringing this vision to life one student at a time.Building #1BillionSmartMinds
Our mission is to nurture every child’s potential through personalized, engaging and thoughtful teaching. We aim to inspire a love for learning, building lifelong confidence. 💛
For over 10 years, our passionate team has been bringing this vision to life one student at a time.
Building #1BillionSmartMinds
Building #1BillionSmartMinds
Join our community of
200,000+ Math Geniuses!
Charani, Grade 2
Level 5 in STAAR
Sanjay, Grade 6
US President's Awards
Anjana, Grade 3
IMO Gold Medalist
Bela, Grade 6
Class Topper
Samuel, Grade 3
IMO Gold Medalist
Go from B to A+
95% Cuemath students report an increase in their grades
Turn fear to confidence
80% Cuemath students say, “I am good at Math and Science!”
Win olympiads and competitions
100+ IMO Gold medal winners from Cuemath every year!
Ace at school and beyond!
Every 1 out of 4 Cuemath student is a class topper!
Our Perfect Learning Recipe
We’ve spent years crafting the perfect blend of neuroscience backed learning methods, expert guidance, and in depth curriculum-all for your child’s success.
Our Perfect Learning Recipe
We’ve spent years crafting the perfect blend of neuroscience backed learning methods, expert guidance, and in depth curriculum-all for your child’s success.
Our 10 year old Family of
Passionate Educators
Our commited tutors take the Cuemath Oath,
a promise to serve your child!
Top 1% Tutors
Only the best make it through our rigorous selection process.
Build strong bonds
Truly care and guide your child consistently over the years.
Walk the extra-mile
Offer flexible schedules, providing extra help for exams and homework.
Trusted by Parents,
Loved by Students ❤️
Loved by Students ❤️
Rated 4.7+
Trusted by Parents,
Loved by Students ❤️
Loved by Students ❤️