Difference Between Qualitative and Quantitative Research
The difference between qualitative and quantitative research enables statisticians to choose the right method to analyze various types of data. The main point of difference between qualitative and quantitative research is that the former is expressed in words while the latter is expressed in numbers.
Qualitative research is based on exploratory data while quantitative research is done so as the convert the data into useful statistics. Both types of research techniques are necessary to draw reasonable conclusions from the data. In this article, we will learn about the difference between qualitative and quantitative research as well as take an in-depth look at both research methods.
What Is Qualitative and Quantitative Research?
Both qualitative and quantitative research answer different types of questions and use different methods to analyze data. To draw conclusions qualitative research usually relies on verbal data while quantitative research methods lie on statistical observations.
Definition of Qualitative Research
Qualitative research can be defined as a research method that involves collecting, analyzing, and interpreting data that is non-numerical or non-statistical such as language, human behavior, attitude, intentions, etc. Such a research method is not structured well and uses exploratory methods to study complicated phenomena that cannot be analyzed using numbers and statistics. To conduct such qualitative research, a researcher focuses more on the views of the participants. An example of qualitative research is when a surveyor asks 30 students how satisfied they are with the quality of their studies.
Definition of Quantitative Research
Quantitative research can be defined as a research technique that establishes hard facts about a topic by using mathematical and statistical methods. These methods are used to find causal relationships between variables by testing and confirming theories or assumptions. The data collected for quantitative research is usually organized and presented in the form of graphs and tables. An example of quantitative research is when 30 students are asked to give their level of satisfaction from 1 to 10 for a particular curriculum course.
Difference Between Qualitative and Quantitative Research
Qualitative and quantitative research is very important as they are the standard ways of conducting tests in fields such as science, finance, economics, etc. The table given below outlines the difference between qualitative and quantitative research.
Comparison Basis | Qualitative research | Quantitative Research |
Definition | Qualitative research is a research technique that is concerned with understanding human behavior and social sciences. | Quantitative research relies on mathematical and statistical methods to draw conclusions about the data and establish hard facts. |
Objective | It is an exploratory research method that focuses on formulating a theory. | It uses statistical methods to test the validity of hypotheses. |
Data | The data is usually verbal and the narrative is largely expressed in words. | The data for quantitative research is organized and expressed in the form of graphs, numbers, and tables. |
Data Collection Methods | The data collection methods for qualitative research include focus groups, extensive interviews, literature review, and ethnography. | The data collection methods are surveys, observations, and performing statistical experiments. |
Use | It is used to understand complex phenomena such as thoughts, experiences, and behaviors. | It is used to test a theory or hypothesis to confirm an assumption. |
Reasoning | Qualitative research uses inductive reasoning to arrive at a conclusion. | This uses deductive reasoning by analyzing the statistical data to make sound conclusions. |
Analysis Methods | Discourse analysis, thematic analysis, and qualitative content analysis are the various techniques used on qualitative data. | Statistical analysis and hypothesis testing methods are used. |
Nature | Subjective | Objective |
Types of Questions | Open-Ended | Closed-Ended |
Result | It helps to develop an initial understanding of the problem. | It gives a definitive conclusion and recommends the final course of action. |
Advantages |
Disadvantages |
Difference Between Qualitative and Quantitative Research Data
Qualitative and quantitative data are used for qualitative and quantitative research respectively. These data types are used in sociology, finance, economics, etc. The differences between qualitative and quantitative data are given in the table below:
Comparison Basis | Qualitative Data | Quantitative Data |
Definition | Qualitative data can be defined as a data type that is descriptive and cannot be measured. | Quantitative data is measurable and can be expressed in the form of numbers. |
Questions Asked | Qualitative data asked questions such as why or how a certain behavior is taking place. | It asks questions such as how much or how many |
Nature | Qualitative data is dynamic and subjective. | Quantitative data is objective and fixed. |
Research Methods Used | Exploratory research methods are used to obtain qualitative data such as interviews and group discussions. | Conclusive research methods such as surveys are used to obtain quantitative data. |
Qualitative and Quantitative Research Methods
The first step in conducting research is to identify the difference between qualitative and quantitative research and choose the technique that is best suited for the data at hand. Some of the most commonly used methods for each research type are given below:
Qualitative Research Methods
Qualitative research data analysis can involve interpreting videos, images, audio, body language as well as text analysis. The following methods are used to conduct qualitative research.
- One-to-one interviews: This helps the researcher to understand the behavior of a person and allows for an in-depth understanding by asking personalized questions.
- Focus Groups: Focus groups are very useful for market research for testing out a new product as it involves a constructive discussion between a small number of people.
- Ethnography research: This is an in-depth observational method that is conducted over a long period of time with the aim of understanding cultures.
Quantitative Research Methods
In quantitative research, data analysis can be performed using SWOT analysis, cross-tabulation, TURF analysis, and conjoint analysis. The various quantitative research methods are given below:
- Survey research: Surveys help to conduct quantitative research on multiple variables. Either the same variables can be evaluated at a given time or different variables can be evaluated at different intervals of time.
- Correlational research: This research method is used to compare two entities that are invariable. For example, when a relationship has to be established between stress and depression, correlational research methods are used.
- Causal comparative research: This quantitative research method is used to analyze the cause and effect relationship between two or more variables.
- Experimental research: In this method, a well-defined experiment is performed to approve or disprove a particular theory or assumption.
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Important Notes on Difference Between Qualitative and Quantitative Research
- Qualitative research is subjective and exploratory while quantitative research is objective and conclusive.
- Qualitative research is concerned with understanding human behavior while quantitative research establishes facts about the data.
- Qualitative research is expressed in words however, tables, graphs, and charts are used to express quantitative research.
- Qualitative research methods are interviews, focus groups, and ethnography research.
- Quantitative research methods are surveys, correlational research, conducting experiments, etc.
Examples on Difference Between Qualitative and Quantitative Research
Example 1: "How does stress at work affect the quality of life for people working a night shift?" Is this a qualitative or quantitative research problem?
Solution: This is a quantitative research problem. It is a causal relationship question. This is because the problem is trying to establish a relationship between stress at work and quality of life.
Answer: Quantitative research problem
Example 2: "What are the experiences of people working a night shift in the health care industry?" Is this a qualitative or quantitative research problem?
Solution: This is a qualitative research problem. This is because this question can have many sub-questions with a subjective outcome.
Answer: Qualitative research problem
Example 3: A survey is being taken with the following questions.
How long have you been a customer of XYZ company?
a) Less than 5 years
b) Exactly 5 years.
c) More than 5 years
Do you have any other comments?
What type of research questions are these?
Solution: This is a mixed research method.
The question "How long have you been a customer of XYZ company" is a quantitative research question.
However, "Do you have any other comments?" is a qualitative research question that acts as a follow-up to the original question.
Answer: Question 1 is a quantitative research question and Question 2 is a qualitative research question
FAQs on Difference Between Qualitative and Quantitative Research
What is the Main Difference Between Qualitative and Quantitative Research?
The main difference between qualitative and quantitative research is that qualitative research is exploratory and is expressed in words. On the other hand, quantitative research is conclusive and expressed in numbers.
What is the Difference Between Qualitative and Quantitative Research on the basis of Data Collection Methods?
The difference between qualitative and quantitative research on the basis of data collection methods is that qualitative research uses interviews, focus groups, and literature reviews to collect data. Quantitative research methods use surveys, experiments, and observations.
What is the Difference Between Qualitative and Quantitative Research Data?
The difference between qualitative and quantitative data is that the former cannot be measured while the latter is measurable using numbers, tables, and charts.
What Are the Advantages of Qualitative and Quantitative Research?
The advantages of qualitative and quantitative research are that the former helps to identify hidden social complexities that cannot be quantified by scientific methods. On the other hand, the results of quantitative research are accurate as they are obtained by statistical and mathematical methods.
What Are the Disadvantages of Qualitative and Quantitative Research?
The disadvantages of qualitative and quantitative research are that the former method is subject to a lot of variation depending upon factors such as events, situations, and context. For quantitative research, a very large amount of data has to be collected to generalize results which can be an expensive and tedious process.
What Types of Questions are Asked in Qualitative and Quantitative Research?
Open-ended and closed-ended questions are asked in qualitative and quantitative research respectively.
What are the Methods Used to Perform Qualitative and Quantitative Research?
The methods used to perform qualitative and quantitative research are one-to-one interviews, ethnography research, and focus groups for qualitative research. For quantitative research, surveys, experimental research and correlational research is performed.
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