Significant Figures Calculator
Significant Figures Calculator finds the significant figures for the given numbers by counting all the digits. The number of important digits lying between 0 to 9, that convey some important message, are known as significant digits.
What is Significant Figures Calculator?
Significant Figures Calculator is an online tool that helps to calculate the number of significant digits for the given number. Significant figures are widely used by engineers and scientists to determine the precision as well as the accuracy of various measurements. To use the Significant Figures Calculator, enter the value in the input box.
Significant Figures Calculator
NOTE: Enter non-decimal positive values only.
How to Use Significant Figures Calculator?
Please follow the steps below to find the significant figures for the given number using the online significant figures calculator:
- Step 1: Go to online significant figures calculator.
- Step 2: Enter the number in the given input box of the significant figures calculator.
- Step 3: Click on the "Show" button to see the significant figures for the given number.
- Step 4: Click on the "Reset" button to clear the field and enter new values.
How Does Significant Figures Calculator Work?
Significant figures are very important as such numbers are used to indicate quantities like length, mass, volume, etc. To find the significant figures in a given number the certain rules must be followed. These are given below:
- Rule 1: Except zero every digit is a significant figure.
- Rule 2: If a zero is placed between any two non-zero digits it is considered significant.
- Rule 3: If a zero is placed on the right of a non-zero digit, it is considered significant.
- Rule 4: A zero placed to the right of a decimal point and left of a non-zero digit will not be significant.
- Rule 5: A zero that is placed to the right of a decimal point and does not have a non-zero digit that follows, is considered significant.
- Rule 6: If a zero is placed to the right of the last non-zero digit after the decimal, it will be significant.
To simplify calculations, significant figures can also be rounded off using some prescribed rules.
Solved Examples on Significant Figures Calculator
Example 1:
Find the number of significant figures for the integer 546557 and verify it using the significant figures calculator.
Given: Integer = 546557.
The number of significant figures is 6.
Example 2:
Find the number of significant figures for the integer 9004 and verify it using the significant figures calculator.
Given: Integer = 9004.
The number of significant figures is 4.
Now, try the significant figures calculator and find the significant figures for the following:
- 57800
- 4562
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