Remainder Calculator
When a dividend is not completely divisible by a divisor, it leaves a remainder. Using the given Remainder Calculator, we can calculate the remainder when a number is divided by another number.
What is Remainder Calculator?
'Remainder Calculator' is an online tool that helps to find the remainder. Online Remainder Calculator helps you to find the remainder within a few seconds.
Remainder Calculator
NOTE: Enter the values upto 5 digits only.
How to Use Remainder Calculator?
Please follow the below steps to find the remainder:
- Step 1: Enter the dividend and the divisor in the input boxes.
- Step 2: Click on the "Divide" button to find the remainder.
- Step 3: Click on "Reset" to clear the field and enter the new values.
What Is Remainder Calculator?
The Remainder is defined as the number or value that is left when the dividend is not completely divisible by the divisor.
Division (÷) is an arithmetic operation in which we distribute a group of things into equal parts.
The terms used in the division are as follows:
- Dividend - is the number that is divided
- Divisor - is the number that divides the dividend.
- Quotient - is the result obtained.
- The remainder - is the number or value that is left when the dividend is not completely divisible by the divisor
The formula used for the division is Dividend = Divisor × Quotient + Remainder
Remainder = Dividend - (Divisor × Quotient)
Solved Examples on Remainder Calculator
Example 1:
Find the remainder when 847 is divided by 5
To find: Remainder
Given: Dividend = 847 and Divisor = 5
By long division method:
Therefore, the remainder is 2.
Example 2:
Find the remainder when 1038 is divided by 3
To find: Remainder
Given: Dividend = 1038 and Divisor = 3
By long division method:
3) 1038 ( 346
Therefore, the remainder is 0.
Similarly, you can try the calculator to find the remainder for the following:
- When 7085 is divided by 8
- When 8021 is divided by 9
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