Like Fractions Calculator
Like Fractions Calculator, tells if any two fractions to know if they are like fractions or not.
What is Like Fractions Calculator?
If the denominators of two or more fractions are the same, then they are called as like fractions. Like Fractions Calculator is an online tool that determines if two fractions are like or not within a few seconds. In the Like Fractions Calculator, please enter any two fractions to know if they are like fractions or not.
Like Fractions Calculator
How to Use the Like Fractions Calculator?
Step 1: Enter the value of the two fractions in the respective input box.
Step 2: Click the button “Determine” to determine if they are like or not.
Step 3: Click on "Reset" to clear the fields and enter the new set fractions.
Let us go through some examples which can use our Like Fractions calculator.
Solved Examples on Like Fractions Calculator
Example 1:
Determine if the fractions are like or not. 5/6 and 7/6 and verify it using like fractions calculator.
The denominator of the first fraction is 6
The denominator of the second fraction is 6
Since both fractions have the same denominator, they are like fractions.
Example 2:
Determine if the fractions are like or not. 5/7 and 9/4 and verify it using like fractions calculator.
The denominator of the first fraction is 7
The denominator of the second fraction is 4
Since both fractions have the different denominator, they are not like fractions.
Example 3:
Determine if the fractions are like or not. 4/8 and 6/8 and verify it using like fractions calculator.
The denominator of the first fraction is 8
The denominator of the second fraction is 8
Since both fractions have the same denominator, they are like fractions.
Now, use the like fractions calculator and determine if the following fractions are like or not.
- -9/8 and -3/8
- 5/2 and -7/5
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