What is the HCF of 1.75, 5.6 and 7?
The largest possible number which divides the given numbers exactly without any remainder is called the HCF (Highest Common Factor).
Answer: The HCF of 1.75, 5.6, and 7 is 0.35
To calculate the HCF of decimal numbers, we convert the decimal numbers to whole numbers and then solve further.
First of all, we will convert the given decimals into like decimals in which the number of digits after the decimal point are the same.
So, 1.75 will remain as 1.75, while 5.6 will become 5.60 and 7 will be 7.00
Now, in order to remove the decimal, we will multiply all the numbers by 100. This will make it 1.75 × 100 = 175; 5.60 × 100 = 560; and 7.00 × 100 = 700
So, our numbers are 175, 560, and 700.
Now, we will find the HCF of 175, 560, and 700.
Clearly, the Highest Common Factor (HCF) of 175, 560, and 700 is 35.
But in order to find the answer to our original question, we will have to divide the final answer by 100 (as we had previously multiplied it by 100).
Hence, our required answer will be 35/100 = 0.35
Now the required H.C.F. of 1.75, 5.6 and 7 is: 35/100 = 0.35
Therefore, the HCF of 1.75, 5.6, and 7 is 0.35
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