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The common factor method of factorisation for a polynomial is based on ___________ property
The common factor method of factorisation for a polynomial is based on distributive property.
While factoring a polynomial using common factors, we take out the numerical and the literal coefficients that are common between the terms.
✦ Try This: Factors of 6x2 + 10x is
Factors of 6x2 + 10x is 2x (3x + 5)
6x2 + 10x
2 is the numerical coefficient common between the terms and x is the literal coefficient that is common between the terms
Thus 6x2 + 10x = 2x (3x + 5)
☛ Also Check: NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Maths Chapter 9
NCERT Exemplar Class 8 Maths Chapter 7 Problem 55
The common factor method of factorisation for a polynomial is based on ___________ property
The common factor method of factorisation for a polynomial is based on distributive property
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