NCERT Solutions Class 12 Maths Chapter 9 Exercise 9.4 Differential Equations
NCERT solutions class 12 maths chapter 9 exercise 9.4 differential equations give the method of solving a first-order first-degree differential equation. Such an equation is of the form dy/dx = F(x, y). The first step is to express the function F(x, y) as a product of two functions g (x) and h(y) where h (y) ≠ 0. Next, we separate the variables i.e. terms containing y should remain with dy and terms containing x should remain with dx followed by integrating the designated expression. We now get the solution to the differential equation in the form of H(y) = G(x) + C. Furthermore, H (y) and G (x) are the antiderivatives of 1/ h (y) and g (x) respectively and C is the arbitrary constant. This is the standard algorithm that needs to be followed while attempting the questions in the NCERT solutions class 12 maths chapter 9 exercise 9.4.
There are a total of 22 sums that appear in different formats. They could be medium to tough-level questions and ask kids to find the general or the particular solution to a given differential equation. As the NCERT solutions Class 12 maths chapter 9 exercise 9.4 differential equations have been given in a step-wise manner children will be able to easily understand how to effectively solve such problems. Given below is the link to these solutions.
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Exercise 9.4 Class 12 Chapter 9

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NCERT Solutions Class 12 Maths Chapter 9 Exercise 9.4 Tips
NCERT solutions class 12 maths chapter 9 exercise 9.4 differential equations have questions that see the use of several identities, formulas, and theorems from previous lessons. For example, a student might have to use some trigonometric identity in order to separate the variables of the given function. Thus, it is necessary to have a good hold of such topics.
Kids must keep in mind that when they attempt the word problems in the NCERT solutions class 12 maths chapter 9 it is important to read the question thoroughly. This will prevent them from creating faulty mathematical formulations eventually helping them to get a good score in examinations.
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