NCERT Solutions Class 11 Maths Chapter 16 Exercise 16.2 Probability
NCERT solutions for Class 11 maths Chapter 16 exercise 16.2 Probability is dedicated to the subset of sample space which is events. Note that exercise 16.1 was all about finding the sample space of the experiments and in this exercise 16.2 we practice how different events are to be handled. It starts off with questions that require us to identify whether an event is possible or not. This is based on the theory of sure events and impossible events, and then there are events the probability of which lies between 0 and 1.
There is a lot of focus on mutually exclusive events, that is, events that have nothing in common, and thus only one event can happen at a time. The questions in the exercise require us to identify mutually exclusive events or even to define mutually exclusive events for a given experiment. Further, there are questions on mutually exclusive but exhaustive events wherein one needs to identify or define such events.
Class 11 maths NCERT solutions Chapter 16 exercise 16.2 is still about practicing the core concept of events and sample space on which the theory of probability is built up. So, in this exercise, we do not yet have any questions to find probability but only those questions which help us deepen our understanding of events and their types along with how one event can be in relation to another event. The NCERT solutions Class 11 maths Chapter 16 exercise 16.2 Probability detailed solution set can be accessed through the PDF block provided below :
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Exercise 16.2 Class 11 Chapter 16

More Exercises in Class 11 Maths Chapter 16
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NCERT Solutions Class 11 Maths Chapter 16 Exercise 16.2 Tips
NCERT Solutions Class 11 Maths Chapter 16 exercise 16.2 Probability is to be approached initially by only considering the concept of events in mind as this exercise deals with the identification of different kinds of events and the ways to define them. The idea of mutually exclusive events and mutually exclusive but exhaustive events is the key to understanding the questions in this exercise. There are other problems on sure and impossible events, but these are relatively easier to grasp.
NCERT Solutions Class 11 Maths Chapter 16 exercise 16.2 has questions that explain an experiment and then require us to identify the events, or if the events are given, the students need to identify the type of event. The sums are well formulated for everyone to understand the experiment clearly thereby making the process of finding the events easier.
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